My First Flutter Package
I am excited to announce my first #Flutter package!🎉
Meet Juxtapose, a widget for comparing two stacked widgets by dragging a slider thumb to reveal either sides of the slider horizontally or vertically.
Inspired by Knightlab's JuxtaposeJS

Add the Juxtapose package to pubspec.yaml
juxtapose: ^1.0.2
Import the package in your dart file
import 'package:juxtapose/juxtapose.dart';
backgroundColor: Color(0xFF012747),
foregroundWidget: Image.asset("flutter-logo.png"),
backgroundWidget: Image.asset("flutter-logo-stroke.png"),
Horizontal | Vertical |
![]() | ![]() |
By default the inner widgets expand to fill up space. Wrap in Center
before sizing
backgroundColor: Color(0xFF012747),
foregroundWidget: Center(
child: Image.asset("flutter-logo.png", width: 400),
backgroundWidget: Center(
child: Image.asset("flutter-logo-stroke.png", width: 400),
Sized Children output

API Reference
Property | Default | Description | Type |
foregroundWidget | required | Widget displayed in front of the backgroundWidget | Widget |
backgroundWidget | required | Widget displayed behind the foregroundWidget | Widget |
height | optional | Height of the Juxtapose box | double |
width | optional | Width of the Juxtapose box. | double |
direction | Axis.horizontal | Sliding direction for juxtaposing between the two widgets | Axis |
backgroundColor | Colors.transparent | Background color of the Juxtapose box | Color |
dividerColor | Colors.white | Color of the horizontal/vertical divider | Color |
dividerThickness | 3.0 | Line thickness of the horizontal/vertical divider | double |
thumbColor | Colors.white | Color of the thumb that is dragged to juxtapose | Color |
thumbSize | Size(12, 100) | Size of the thumb widget. Width is the shortest side. Height is the longest side. | Size |
thumbBorderRadius | BorderRadius.circular(4) | Sets the border radius of the thumb widget | BorderRadius |
showArrows | true | Indicates whether the arrows on the sides of the thumb are shown or not | bool |
Found an issue or have a suggestion?
Reach me on Twitter @lesliearkorful